
  • Traditional-track fellow applicants must be board-certified graduates of an approved Family Medicine Residency Program or have comparable clinical experience and an interest in part-time or full-time teaching in Family Medicine.
  • The fellowship offers a salary and benefits that are highly competitive with similar fellowship programs. 
Application Process

To Apply to The Fellowship (Traditional Track)

  • Applications will be accepted until January 31 or until the positions are filled. Interviews are conducted from Fall through early Spring.
  • A CV, three letters of recommendation, a personal statement describing your goals and how the fellowship will help you meet these goals, and a copy of ITE scores, constitute an application.
  • Please send all materials to Jenn Crupie at

To Apply to The Faculty Track

  • Applications will be accepted until June 30.
  • A CV, a personal statement describing your goals and how the fellowship will help you meet these goals, constitute an application.
  • A letter of support from your Program Director and/or an interview with our faculty and timely payment are required to complete the registration process.
  • Please send all materials to Jenn Crupie at 

The fellowship offers a salary and benefits that are highly competitive with similar fellowship programs. Review the UPMC GME Benefits and Stipends.